The 500ccSuper Clubman, a rare bike indeed, seven are known to exist. The single cylinder sports machine features hairpin valve springs, a high compression piston, polished flywheels and connecting rods and ports. Claimed top speed was in excess of 90mph for the Plumstead, London built machine.
Current value? Six figures and counting. This is a blue-chip motorcycle investment can be ridden and admired. Try that with your Treasury Bonds.
Matchless was founded in 1899 and was purchased by AMC in 1938, which continued to produce the brand until 1966. It had a history of racing success, including an early win at the Isle of Man TT races with the founders son, Charles Collier.
The devil (and the dollars) are in the details. When compared to the AJS in the background, it becomes instantly apparent that the Super Clubman was in another league, hence the tenfold increase in comparable values in todays market.